SCO Workshop

Space, Creativity & Organizing Workshop

The 2020 Space, Creativity and Organizing Workshop is cancelled

July 2nd, 2020, Hamburg

We regret to inform you that we have decided to cancel the SCO workshop that should have taken place in Hamburg, July 2nd. This year, the workshop would have been on taste and food. This decision did not come easy to us and we did think about moving the workshop into the digital realm, in line with the EGOS Colloquium.

However, as the workshop specifically deals with the senses and bodily perception, adapting the workshop to a digital format did not seem the right choice to us.


Since we will not be able to meet in person in Hamburg, we would also like to draw your attention to the Call for Papers for our special issue of Management Learning on the role of the senses in management research and education. We very much look forward to receiving your submissions!

We will be in touch with you regarding our workshops, and already look forward at seeing you at the EGOS Colloquium in Amsterdam next year.

Take care and keep in touch!

Boukje and Nicolas

The Senses in Management Research and Education

Why submit a paper to the Management Learning special issue?

More information

What is the SCO Workshop

Since 2015, the Space, Creativity and Organizing workshop brings together researchers interested in ways of developing an understanding of space more adequate to the challenge of contemporary organization. It proposes hands-on and experimental activities in the margins of the European Group for Organizational Studies’ annual colloquium to provoke and engage academics to consider alternative methods in which to think and practice space in organization. In 2015, we occupied the cooperative workspace of the Stone Soup organization in Athens to explore the of site-specific creative possibilities of spaces normally used by independent technology professionals. In 2016, we took over an art gallery, the ‘Voyage Pittoresque Factory’ in Naples, to investigate affect’s emergence in the interaction of bodies, technologies and space. In 2017, we took a literary turn and discussed Roberto Bolaño's 2666 at the Overgaden Institute for Contemporary Art in Copenhagen. In 2018, it is the Estonian museum of architecture in Tallinn that hosted the workshop, as we discovered together the role of smell and scent in organizational life.

Université TÉLUQ. Leuphana Universität Lüneburg.